  哥弟KOTI是一家集科技研发、工业生产、销售贸易为一体的、年轻的专业化妆品有限公司。 KOTI is a newly-established cosmetics company specialized in the science and technology design, production, sales and trade of cosmetics products. 哥弟KOTI有多名具有多年行业产品研发经验的专家级工程师,有一批朝气蓬勃的,屡获营销界嘉奖的策划、执行队伍。我们信任我们的合作伙伴,深深知道双赢的意义。我们懂得业界的经营风险,感同互助的价值...... KOTI boasts several engineers with years of rich experience in cosmetics design and research as well as a team of marketing planning experts and executives full of vigor and won various honors for outstanding performance. We trust our business partners and understand the meaning of win-win. We also understand the operating risks and the value of mutual help. 哥弟有环境优雅的工厂、先进的设备,技术精湛的作业工人,严格的质量管理体系;在花园式工厂里保证消费者用上可靠安全的产品。在此基础,哥弟成功地服务在坚持理念和创造利益的特有渠道模式之间...... KOTI factory is with elegant surroundings and advanced equipments, workers with exquisite craft and rigid quality management system. The garden styled factory ensures consumers with reliable and safe products. Based on this, KOTI successfully provide its service to the market with insist on its concept and create profits.
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